Update 3
August 02 2021 - 02:34 pm
- Added title to menu bar.
- Standardised menu bar for every page.
- Added articles page.
Currently no data on articles page but hey. As I'm
writing this i've realised whilst formatting the menu bar
i've messed up the update log lists so I gotta fix that real
quick. Gonna do that now, it is currently 02:26 pm.
At 02:30 pm I have sorted it :D I fixed it instantly but took
few minutes away to actually redo some of the html and css
entirely to make the code a bit neater. Now there is no
50 character long 'style' string inside the 'a' tag for the
menu title.
REALLY need to make the update log get from a file. I also
now want to have 1 web page and dynamically change the content
on it so the frame the background is on doesn't change when
you click a button. But i'm done for today cause I probably
should do some work.
Update 2
August 02 2021 - 01:42 pm
- Enlarged the background so it fits the screen better.
- Created the update log.
- Finished the left menu sidebar and last update appendage.
Enlarged the background so it fits the screen better.
Created this update log hence why the last update had to be made
in retrospect. I'll hopfully be more consistent after this but
knowing myself, probably not : D
Update 1
July 26 2021 - 01:33 pm
- Site created.
- Red and black animated background added.
- Started the left menubar and appendage.
- Created moving nonsense banner.
A lot of 3D renders of Ness spinning in a circle also included.
The actual background for this page is someone's take of an Earthbound
battle background so thats cool. A shame it doesn't loop and
doesn't line up. Need to change how text here is stored/read.
Probably gonna make a JS call to a txt file that contains each
paragraph of updates, seperated by a '---' or something.
Anyway this update was written in retrospect as it is currently
02/08/2021 - 01:33 pm. I'm in the office, and cba to look at node.js
so imma just do it later.